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Sunny Morete

image for Sunny Morete

Sunny has been in several recent productions at E.T.S: 'The Aspern Papers', 'The Odd Couple', 'Gigi' and in last years production of 'Doubt', for which she won the ACTT award for Best Female in a Supporting Role. Best known for her work in musical theatre, she was able to combine both, in Dolphin Theatre's production of ' Mum's Choir', earlier this year.

For Ellerslie TheatreTransitions (2013)production assistant
The First Night of Pygmalion (2010)Female Narrator
The First Night of Pygmalion (2010)production assistant
Doubt: A Parable (2009)Mrs Muller
Gigi (2006)Alicia de St Ephlam, Gigi's Aunt
The Odd Couple (2004)Sylvie
The Aspern Papers (2001)Assunta